Private Warning of a Justice of the Peace. (03/23/07)


The judge issued a peace bond without conducting a hearing and without otherwise following procedures set forth in the Code of Criminal Procedure based on complaints filed by an individual with who...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace. (03/23/07)


The judge failed to comply with the law and maintain professional competence in the law when she telephone the jail to set a bond for a defendant, who was then allowed to be released without first ...

Private Admonition and Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace. (03/01/07)


The judge interceded in a dispute between two parties in a small claims suit and attempted to assist one of the parties collect on a debt. The judge’s involvement on the party’s behalf lent the pr...

Private Warning of a Justice of the Peace. (12/15/06).


The judge personally endorsed an appeal bond refund check, which rightfully belonged to the judgment debtor, and turned the entire amount over to the judgment creditor. Furthermore, the judge pers...

Private Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace. (12/15/06).


The judge signed a possession order in a child custody dispute, a matter that was outside the judge’s jurisdiction. [Violation of Canon 3B(2) of the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct.] Private Order...

Private Reprimand of a Justice of the Peace. (12/06/06).


The judge presided over an eviction case in which his law partner represented the defendant. The judge knew or should have known that, because he and defense counsel were law partners, a conflict ...

Private Admonition of a Municipal Judge. (12/06/06).


The judge wrote a letter to the public housing authority, stating that he was a judge and criticizing his neighbor’s behavior. Shortly thereafter, the neighbor’s rental assistance was terminated b...

Private Admonition of a County Court at Law Judge. (10/31/06).


The judge made impatient and discourteous comments to a defendant, the defendant’s attorney, and a prosecutor when they appeared in court regarding the defendant’s probation revocation, and did so ...