The judge refused to sign a defendant’s appeal bond, which refusal appeared to have been the sole cause for the county court at law to dismiss the defendant’s appeal. [Violation of Canon 2A of the...
The judge found a traffic defendant guilty, assessed a fine against him, and suspended his driver’s license based solely on telephone conversations with the defendant. [Violation of Canons 2A and ...
During his campaign for re-election, the judge knowingly misrepresented that he was endorsed by a group of local judges, when he knew or should have known the judges had disclaimed such an endorsem...
With no complaint filed in her court, and without legal authority, the judge summoned her in-laws and another couple to her office to explain peace bond procedures and attempt to mediate a criminal...
The judge negligently filed a homestead exemption affidavit representing that his primary residence was outside the judicial precinct to which he was elected, when in fact he did reside in the prec...
The judge presided over the magistration of a defendant who had been arrested based on a criminal complaint filed by the judge’s son. The defendant had been charged with unlawful restraint of a ch...