Private Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace. (07/27/06)


The judge demonstrated a lack of professional competence in the law when she went forward with a trial and found a traffic defendant guilty in absentia, then issued an arrest warrant against the de...

Private Warning and Order of Additional Education of a Municipal Judge. (07/10/06)


The judge demonstrated a lack of professional competence in the law when he dismissed a traffic defendant’s speeding ticket without a motion from the prosecutor and based on erroneous representatio...

Private Order of Additional Education of a Justice of the Peace. (06/15/06)


The judge demonstrated a lack of professional competence in the law when he failed to announce his ruling in open court, as required by Rule 557 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. [Violation o...

Honorable Eric Andell

 Former Appellate Judge, Houston, Harris County, Texas
 CJC No. 05-0815-RT

Honorable Jim L. Powers

 Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5
 CJC No. 05-0854-JP

Honorable Britt Plunk

 356th Judicial District Court Judge, Kountze, Hardin County, Texas
 CJC Nos. 03-1016-DI and 04-1119-DI

Honorble James L. Supkis

 Former Municipal Court Judge, Nassau Bay, Harris County, Texas
 CJC No. 05-0264-MU

Honorable B.R. Duncan

 Former Municipal Court Judge, Garrison, Nacogdoches County, Texas
 CJC No. 05-0254-MU