The judge engaged in willful conduct that cast public discredit upon the judiciary when his actions led to his arrest for driving while intoxicated and unlawful carrying of a firearm. [Violation o...
The judge allowed her relationship with acquaintances to influence her judicial conduct and judgment, lent the prestige of her judicial office to advance the private interests of those acquaintance...
The judge failed to comply with the law and maintain professional competence in the law, failed to be patient, dignified and courteous towards the constable and/or constable’s office in his precinc...
The judge engaged in willful conduct that cast public discredit on the judiciary when he operated a motor vehicle while under the influence of prescribed medications that impaired his ability to do...
The judge failed to comply with the law when she operated a motor vehicle while intoxicated, a criminal offense for which she successfully a completed a pre-trial diversion program. [Violation of C...
The judge failed to comply with the law by owning and operating a personal vehicle equipped with red and blue flashing lights, which he regularly activated while using his personal vehicle in the p...
The judge failed to comply with the law and to maintain professional competence in the law when she improperly denied the release of court records to a citizen upon request for such records. [Viol...
The judge implemented a policy that violated the public’s constitutional right of access to the courts by requiring parties, attorneys and members of the public to sign in and be called up individu...