The judge failed to follow the law and maintain competence in the law when she barred an eviction suit party’s non-attorney representative from the courtroom during the eviction proceeding. Furthe...
The judge failed to follow the law and failed to maintain professional competence in the law by: 1) issuing a capias pro fine warrant for a truant’s arrest for violating the terms of deferred dispo...
The judge failed to comply with the Code of Criminal Procedure when handling an attorney’s timely written requests to appeal his clients’ traffic cases. Instead, the judge had the clients served w...
Following an argument with an individual in the judge’s office, the judge caused the individual to be detained in county jail on a contempt of court charge, which was later changed to a disorderly ...
The judge entertained a tenant’s ex parte complaint about the landlord’s termination of water service to the property; called the landlord by telephone and ordered him to restore water service to t...