How to File a Complaint

Submit a completed, signed, sworn complaint form. 

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Submit an Online Complaint Form

Submit one of our online complaint forms. There are two types of complaint, and each has its own form:

for campaign-related and / or endorsement-related complaints against judicial candidates or judges
for all other complaints against judges

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Download a Complaint Form

Download our Complaint Form in fillable PDF format. Complete the form, print it, and mail it to our mailing address.

Request a Complaint Form by Email

Request a paper complaint form by emailing:

Complete the form and mail it to our mailing address.

Request a Complaint Form by Phone

Request a paper complaint form by calling (512) 463-5533 or toll-free, (877) 228-5750.

Complete the form and mail it to our mailing address.

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Outline Your Complaint in a Letter

Write a letter outlining your complaint and mail it to our mailing address.

Provide the following information:

  • Your contact information, including a valid address and telephone number
  • The judge's or judicial candidate's name and judicial office or title
  • The specific conduct or action you believe was improper, including sufficient facts to describe what occurred
  • The names of any witnesses and their contact information, such as addresses and telephone numbers
  • If applicable, copies (not originals) of any documents, correspondence, or other evidence that substantiate the allegations of judicial misconduct.

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How Not to File a Complaint

The Commission does not accept complaints via:

  • online forms
  • telephone
  • email
  • fax